How to Organize All of Your Real Estate Leads

There are many ways to make money in real estate. If you’re interested in building a rental portfolio, you’ll have contacts that can make repairs to your property. For those who want to flip, you may know of a great interior designer. Finally, everyone in real estate should know someone who’s willing to lend. Keeping your property leads and your contacts in good order is the best way to keep the money moving.
Who You Know is Critical
Do you know someone who’s unhappy with their stock investment options? Congratulations, you’ve just met an investor. You may need to prove some things to them, and to yourself, but knowing someone who has dollars to spend, even if they have no interest in the real estate world, can be a great way to bust open your business.
You might also know someone with general handyman skills who’s interested in investing but doesn’t know where to start. Now you have a teacher, an employee and a potential partner. What can you learn from this person? A great deal, but you need to do the legwork to find the right property and the financing so your handyman guru can join in on the project.
Finally, you probably know someone who’s ready for a new career. It will take time and the right investments to get a rental business up and running, but many W2 employees find inspiration in the hunt. Make sure they’re on your contact list and ask them to share your investment options with others in a similar situation. Real estate is a great source of passive income over time, so unhappy workers can be turned into happy landlords with the right property.
Keep Things Tidy
If you’re looking for wholesale projects to present to potential investors, experts with DealMachine recommend outfitting your car. “When your wheels are at your desk, you don’t want to be without a few creature comforts.”
Clean your car thoroughly before you plan and lay out your mobile office so it can be as well-stocked and tidy as your collection of lead contacts. You can keep your contacts in order with the real estate lead management systems that allow you to share potential properties with investors, those interested in working as landlords and with flippers.
Those who drive for dollars will also need gear to protect themselves and avoid arousing suspicion. A forehead light with a strap will make it easy to see even if the power is off. A construction vest can help you look the part. Sturdy shoes will make your footing more secure and protect you from debris. Invest in a cheap raincoat that you can put on if things are very dirty, and consider tall rubber boots if there’s a risk of bringing home pests. Hand sanitizer and a mask are a must. You’ll need healthy snacks to protect your body and your budget, and if you’re walking through a construction zone, consider carrying a hard hat and safety goggles in your vehicle.
Once you get leads, treat them well. Find out what their investing goals are. Be ready to share your finds with them and make connections where you can. One dedicated flipper with a strong connection to one investor who wants a decent return can be your best marketing tool! Focus on sharing what you know.