7 Soft Skills You Develop at University

When you think about what you get out of a college degree, a good-paying job is probably at the top of the list. Every major has its designated subject matter and skill set that you’re required to master before graduation. But did you know that there are many hidden benefits of going to college? University teaches you a wide range of soft skills that make you more employable, well-rounded and capable no matter where your career takes you. These are seven of the most important soft skills you’ll be able to develop in college.
Independence and Self-Motivation
You won’t have to answer to your parents or teachers when you’re in university. Professors are usually there to offer guidance and provide additional support, but they expect you to manage your own time and do assignments without their help. No one is going to tell you what time to go to bed, when to eat or force you to study when you’re playing a video game or messing around online instead. Self-management in college carries over into your future career; learn from your mistakes so you can stay more motivated and goal-oriented. This is the perfect time to learn how to set goals, how to motivate yourself and how to set boundaries.
Budgeting and Money Management
You might have already had your own money in high school with a part-time job or allowance, but college requires you to truly balance wants and needs. Some students avoid responsibility and overspend because they can always borrow some extra cash or ask their parents for more. But you should take money management in college seriously by learning how to develop a budget and stay current with your own bills.
These skills will serve you well as you plan ahead for student debt repayment. Explore the process now, and learn about current student loan consolidation rates. This will allow you to pick the right time to consolidate your loans into one bigger balance with a private lender. For many people in their mid-20s, this is a good way to gain greater financial freedom while still paying off their student loans .
How to Deal with Stress
There’s no shortage of stressors in college. You’ll likely feel pressure, a bit of anxiety, feeling constantly tired as you work hard to earn good grades or pass a tough exam; you may have some social struggles in your friendships and dating life that also make you stress over little things. It’s normal, and you can rest assured that by finding ways to manage and resolve stress in college, you’ll be a calmer, more confident adult in the future
Communication Skills
Do you know how to manage a disagreement without anger or offense cloud your judgement? Are you good at putting your complex thoughts and ideas into quick, easy to understand sentences? Communicating with others is a process of give and take; we are often taught how to listen in school but not how to speak. That changes in college. In addition to communicating professionally with professors, you’ll also learn how to accept different lifestyles, beliefs and opinions from your own. Being able to speak clearly, give presentations and give constructive criticism will serve you well beyond the classroom.
Time management Skills
At university, you’ll learn how to stay on top of your schedule by planning ahead and budgeting your time. You learn how to save your money and time by following effective buying guides or by following friends’ or parents’ experience. You When you have to go to class at 8 A.M., is it a good idea to stay up until 2 in the morning watching Netflix? It may be tempting, but you’ll come to realize the value of time. Investing yours into productive activities will make you better equipped at juggling your work and personal life in the future. A lot of students struggle with time management, which is why there are so many resources geared toward improving their skills. It takes practice, but you’ll eventually learn what works for you and figure out how to set limits, be on time and keep track of deadlines.
Critical thinking and Problem-Solving
What is critical thinking? You hear about it all the time as a sought-after skill, but do you know what it really entails? Critical thinking skills involve assessing, analyzing, interpreting and synthesizing information to make informed decisions. In class, this might help you glean more from your assignments, but in the real world, you’ll be better equipped to make big decisions.
From buying a house to leasing a car, critical thinking helps you weigh pros and cons more efficiently and determine the best course of action in any situation. Problem-solving skills include assessing a situation, organizing and prioritizing relevant details and coming up with new ideas to generate a solution. In the workplace, creative problem solvers are always an asset because they bring a fresh perspective to the table.
How to Handle Criticism
No one likes to hear that they didn’t perform well on something, but this is crucial to improving. When a professor or peer gives you constructive criticism, their goal isn’t to berate you but instead help you improve. In the workplace, it won’t be uncommon for colleagues or supervisors to criticize your work. In order to perform your best, you have to learn how to take out the most important details, prioritize feedback and improve your work without taking others’ thoughts too personally.