6 Skin Care Ingredients From The Kitchen

Everybody loves flawless skin that is free from any marks or tiny bumps. It’s almost a universal skincare goal to achieve flawless and healthy-looking skin. There are lots of products in the market that promise a glow with consistent usage. These products often have a lot of harsh chemicals that might irritate the skin. If you are someone who is tired of trying out new products without visible results or thinking of starting a new skincare routine, this article is right for you.
Although cosmetics and over the counter products might have fancy ingredients, did you know that your house has the source of ultimate skincare?
Here are five household items you can find in your kitchen, a great ingredient for skincare.
6 Skin Care Ingredients From The Kitchen
Honey is edible and is loved by many. Apart from the sweet taste and it’s flavour honey also has a lot of other benefits attached to it. Honey is a go-to remedy for many skin issues.
Applying honey on your face for 15 minutes every day can make your skin brighter. Honey is known as the natural bleach and also holds antibacterial properties.
Avoid store-bought honey and source raw honey to get the best results. You can buy raw honey online. When you are buying raw honey online, make sure they do not add any preservatives.
You can also mix honey with other ingredients to make it as a skin pack. A very common skin pack with honey is mixing lemon and honey. This combination helps in reducing blemishes and makes your skin look vibrant.
Besan Flour
That is right! Besan flour, a common kitchen ingredient, is also a great skincare ingredient.
Besan flour mixed with the right carrier is great for rejuvenating your skin.
Mix besan powder with few drops of water or rose water, make it into a paste and apply it on your skin for 15 minutes.
This pack removes excess oil and dirt accumulated in the pores and makes your skin feel cleaner. For added benefit, you can add honey or lemon to the paste.
Turmeric is a must-have kitchen ingredient without which no kitchen is complete. Apart from having antifungal and antibacterial properties, turmeric has a plethora of skincare benefits to offer.
Turmeric can be used to your face pack for an added boost of brightness. Turmeric and milk is a great face pack for dry skin as it adds brightness to the skin without ripping off the oil from the face.
Add a pinch of turmeric with honey and milk to remove tan. Make sure you use turmeric moderately to avoid staining.
Lemon is a common kitchen ingredient, and you can buy a lemon from almost every store. Apart from adding a tangy flavour to the cuisine, lemon is an excellent source of Vitamin C.
The natural occurrence of vitamin C in lemon makes it the go-to ingredient for any blemishes, scars or marks.
Lemon penetrates deep into your skin and helps in new skin regeneration.
If you are using lemon, please ensure that you dilute the lemon juice with water, honey or rosewater. Applying lemon directly on the skin can be harsh and can even disturb the pH level of your skin.
Do you want to add a healthy glow to your skin? All you have to do is open your freezer. Applying ice cubes on your face improves blood circulation and makes your skin look fresher and younger.
After cleansing your face, rub an ice cube for 10 minutes. You can wrap ice cubes in a towel if you feel sensitive to the cold.
You can also make ice cubes by adding lemon peels, cucumber puree, etc., to the water before freezing it.
Tomato is also rich in vitamin c, an ingredient that is added to almost every skincare product.
After cleansing your skin, apply tomato puree and wash it after 15 minutes. You can do this thrice a week for best results. Tomatoes are also rich in antioxidants that add glow and also delay ageing.
Apart from the tips above, it is important to understand that every skin is unique and requires different treatment. If you feel a remedy is not working out for you, stop immediately.
Healthy skin is a result of your lifestyle habits, diet, stress levels, etc. Having a check on other factors can help you bring out the healthy glow.