Racial Injustice and the Law in America Today
Racism is the word everyone is aware of. This word doesn’t limit itself to its meaning only. People have seen its implementation being done either in front of them with someone else or with them only. Racism means discrimination on the basis of being part of a minority. Every country has laws to protect its minorities. Many countries don’t seem to implement any of them mainly because the government of that country wants to show to the minorities and to the world how powerful they are.
The United States of America falls among the highest ratings where racism is being done on a daily basis for decades. This a country where white people are considered to be superior to black people both by the Government and the citizens. No laws seem to be implemented here regarding the protection of the rights of minorities. This problem was addressed by the citizens of the USA by massive protests when a black man named George Floyd was arrested and then killed by a white police officer. He knelt on his neck until Floyd’s last pulse. This is one in a million incidents of racial violence that was addressed and talked about. This thing happens till date with the African-Americans in the USA today even after this brutal act.
The information below shows how much the United States of America is in a need to address this issue.
Hate Crimes:
The people who don’t know what a hate crime is, let me tell them that a hate crime involves any violence done with a person or group of people on the basis of being part of a minority. In the United States of America hate crimes are being done on the basis of race.
The Pay Gap Between Blacks and Whites:
The statistics show that blacks have always earned less than whites. Whites are preferred in the offices in The United States of America and offered more income as compared to blacks. The data of GDP per capita generated through whites seems to be much higher than the blacks and this thing clearly shows racial injustice in America. Pay determined by overtime law is low for black men.
Mal Treatment of Blacks:
Police do very violent treatment with black people. Every black person has faced some kind of ill-treatment by the police at some point in their lives. They are killed on a weekly or daily basis. Black women are raped by the police. Death threats to black men and being beaten on the streets are considered to be very normal by the police in the United States of America.
What’s The Law in America Doing About It?
Law is made to protect the rights of each and every citizen in the country and that includes minorities too. America doesn’t seem to practice any law regarding the protection of minorities especially the black people living there. Below are the details regarding it.
Mal Treatment Made An Official Practice By Law:
The federal courts and the justice departments in the USA have made maltreatment of black people an official practice. Police departments are allowed to violate the rights of the African-Americans and they are not held accountable for this as this is supported by the courts in the USA.
Chokehold Is Legal for All the Wrong Reasons:
Anything that has worsened the racial injustice in America is chokehold being legal, especially for the African-Americans. The government states that a black person who is out in the streets is considered to be a threat to the citizens of the USA and for their protection, they have made the chokehold legal for the black people. All of us know that it’s not true. This is done to maintain white supremacy in the USA.
Rewards for Criminalizing African Americans:
Can you even imagine a person being rewarded for violating the rights of any citizen of the country? Well, you can see this thing happening practically in the United States of America. The government, justice departments, and the courts have set rewards for violating African- Americans. The value of the property acquired by an American is enhanced if he works for creating violence for any black living in the USA. Not only rewards but money are also they are benefited with when they play their role in working against the African-Americans.
Amount of Black Men in The Us Criminal Justice System:
African-Americans are arrested at a much higher rate as compared to white men. Any black man who is out on the street is arrested more often than any other minority. Police don’t even have to give a reason for arresting a black person in the middle of the road in daylight as they are backed up by the justice system of the USA.
This information clearly tells that the Government, justice system and the courts are the reason why the United States of America has become a center for racial injustice. The majority of the white Americans think that to maintain white supremacy we should practice violating the rights of African- Americans. I cannot think of a single talk show and podcast on immigration that has not talked about this issue. But still no change can be seen.